Video clips are available on my You Tube Channel!
View clips of the original run of R3, my adaptation of Richard III set in the Latino gang world! Start with the Prologue, and work your way through!
I will be reviving this production at the Blue Theatre sometime in 2010 or 2011, dates TBD.
Watch for clips from Shakespeare's Husbands and Wives!
I look forward to creating a photo stream and linking it here.
Have a listen to a quick recording of me as Richard in Henry 6 Part 3.
I just did a recording that will be used in the upcoming Austin Shakespeare performance of The Tempest, you can download it here. The first voice is mine, then Jill Blackwood and Meredith McCall.
Want to do a Shakespearean monologue? Choose one and learn how to perfom it in
111 Shakespeare Monologues for Teens
by L.E. McCullough, Lisa Bansavage, and yours truly
(don't let the "teen" thing fool you, it's great for those starting out at any age!)
Got that down? Get a friend or several and try a scene!
Sixty Shakespeare Scenes
by L. E. McCullough, Lisa Bansavage, and me, again
I'm writing another book, title TBD, working title How I Do It :) Being written this summer and hopefully published this fall in handy e-reader formats, as well as pdf for you to print!
I've created a blog for the upcoming performance of Hamlet that I'm dramaturging, there's a lot of good information there if you want to read some of my thoughts on performing verse.
Also check out my blog about performing Shakespeare at
and join the conversation!